Ahoy - Mac's Web Log
Mackenzie J Gregory
Flag of Australia

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Enterprise, CV6, Solomons Map

Dear Mr. Gregory,

Thanks for your note. You're welcome to use the Solomons map for your site. My only request is that you provide a visible link to  http://www.cv6.org/ or http://www.cv6.org/gazetteer/ near the map.  I'd be very interested in reading about your experiences at Savo Island, and hope you'll send a link to your articles when they're ready. I took a  quick peek at your site tonight: very nicely done! Thanks again for contacting me about the map, and for your service to the cause you, my father, and many others struggled for.

Best Regards
 -- Joel Shepherd 

"May she also say with just pride: I have done the State some service."


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