Ahoy - Mac's Web Log
Mackenzie J Gregory
Flag of Australia

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About this site

Over the years, I have had the good fortune to meet some very nice folks while surfing the Net. A mere five weeks ago, there was such a chance encounter. A visitor wrote me from Australia requesting a bit of information about what turned out to be a favorite subject of mine, the Merchant Raiders of WW II. I replied, .... he followed up, ... then I learned that he had written several books and articles relating to his personal experiences while serving with the Royal Australian Navy.

After having read three of his works, the "HMAS Canberra Lost at Savo Island", "Underwater Warfare" and "Marauders of the Sea - The Story of Armed Merchant Raiders during WW II" I felt that such wealth of information should be made available for the enjoyment of all on the Internet.

I therefore asked him for his permission to publish 'all' of his work and was most pleased when he sent his acceptance. "Ahoy. As I saw it. Naval reminiscences" is the result.

All of the articles contained within this site is the work of my friend, Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie Gregory, R.A.N. Rtd. I join him in welcoming you to this site and invite you to bookmark it.

 - John Sauvageau
Vancouver Island Canada
May 1999.

Over 2000, John became ill, and was unable to continue nursing my site. I am now receiving great assistance from Terry Kearns from Atlanta, who has assumed the role of both adviser and helper to me. You certainly meet some nice people on the net.


- Mackenzie Gregory
March 2002.


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This site was created as a resource for educational use and the promotion of historical awareness.  All rights of publicity of the individuals named herein are expressly reserved, and, should be respected consistent with the reverence in which this memorial site was established.

Copyright © 1984/2002  THE NAVAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA, INC and Mackenzie J. Gregory All rights reserved