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Mackenzie J Gregory
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From Amanda about her grandfather on Shropshire

In our Guestbook is the following message:

Date 27 October 2002.

From Amanda Naismith. Roma Queensland.
Subject HMAS Shropshire.

I am researching information for my Grandfather Roy Hudson Forster, who served in Shropshire. Anyone who knows my Grandfather is welcome to E-Mail me so I can pass along any messages.


Hello Amanda,

Thank you for your message, as President of the Victorian Division of the Shropshire Association in Victoria I will try to find anyone who recalls your Grandfather.

Only last Tuesday we had a reunion lunch in Melbourne with some 100 or so there, it is a pity I did not have your message then.

Best Regards.
Mackenzie Gregory.

Good Morning Mackenzie,

Thankyou very much for your prompt reply. I look forward to hearing from you again. Thank you,

Amanda Naismith

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