Ballard's Book The Lost Ships of Guadaleanal

Starboard deck, looking forward onboard HMAS Canberra.
As indicated, I was sunk in H.M.A.S. "Canberra," and thus was most interested in Robert Ballard's book, "The Lost Ships of Guadalcanal," where he reports finding "Canberra" sitting upright on the bottom off Savo Island. I met Robert when his book was launched in Australia at Melbourne on the 30th. of September, 1993, I wanted to know the answer to two questions;
(1) At what depth did he find my old ship?
(2) Could you find the 'Sydney?"
To my first question, I received the response, at 2,500 feet. Robert also gave me the actual position where "Canberra" finally rests.
To my second question, the response was "Perhaps, if we could really narrow down her final resting place, the Indian Ocean is a very large body of water.
" I can only ask " Will we ever find out the truth about "Sydney's" loss?
Australian Parliament dissolved for Elections to be held on Saturday, the 3rd. of October, 1998 With the Australian Parliament being dissolved and elections called for the 3rd. of October, 1998, the Defence Sub-Committee appointed to enquire into the loss of H.M.A.S. "Sydney," ceased to exist, although 18 volumes of submissions heard to date, have been published, further submissions will not be taken by this Committee.
As I write this post script to the "Sydney" enquiry on the last day of September, 1998, there is a distinct possibility that the Labour Party, now in Opposition, could receive a mandate to govern in 3 days time.
It will rest with a new Parliament of whatever political pursuasion it turns out to be, to appoint a Committee, or to reappoint the previous Committee, to complete the enquiry, and make a report with its recommendations.
It is too bizarre to contemplate that it is possible that no further action could take place in this regard, and that the total exercise could remain in limbo. But surely, this will not happen, "One can but hope!"
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