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Mackenzie J Gregory
Flag of Australia

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Official party entering Parliament House Canberra for the Governor General to open the Australian Parliament in 1952

Official party entering Parliament House Canberra for the Governor General to open the Australian Parliament in 1952.

From right to left. Front The Right Honourable Robert Menzies, Prime Minister, His Excellency Sir William McKell, Governor General. next row Lieutenant Colonel W.G.N. Orr, Military Secretary to the Governor General, Betty McKell, daughter of GG, Mrs Patti Menzies, myself, Aide-de-Camp to the Governor General, Sir Murray Tyrrell, Official Secretary to GG, and Wing Commander Douglas RAAF, Honourary ADC to GG.

The black armband is worn for the death of King George V1 on the 6th. of February 1952.

Opening of parliment 1952


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