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Mackenzie J Gregory
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Pictures for Operation Downfall

This is a holding place until we finish the Operation Downfall article.



Admiral Raymond Spruance to be in command of the invasion force of 3,000 ships carrying the US invading troops planning to land on the southern part of the Japanese Island of Kyushu on the 1st. of November 1945.


Admiral Bull Halsey was to be in command of the Naval bombardment group that would pound Japanese beach heads for several days prior to the proposed landings on Kyushu on the 1st. of November 1945.


General Douglas MacArthur signs the Japanese surrender document. Tokyo Bay aboard USS Missouri 2nd. of September 1945.


General Hap Arnold.


Admiral Chester Nimitz signs the surrender document aboard USS Missouri Tokyo Bay 2nd. September 1945.


President Harry Truman with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin at the historic Potsdam meeting.


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