Ahoy - Mac's Web Log
Mackenzie J Gregory
Flag of Australia

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Good evening Sir,  from a  WW  II  vintage white hat,   Served as a signalman aboard the USS HUGHES DD-410.

Was an eye witness to the Battle Of Midway   from first bomb hit on 4 June 42 until she went under at 06:59 on 7 June  42.

I have my personal web site site created for me by my Daughter from my memrobelia  and eye witness account's.
Address folows:  www.geocities.com/karetkamidway

I offer this for viewing, if after viewing   maybe you would consider it for a link. It does take in action in the pacific and North Atlantic.

Any question's

Hello from Australia,

Nice to hear from you, the number who served in the Pacific War must be getting less and less as the years roll by. Only in last August it was 60 years since the Battle of Savo Island that I was lucky to survive. I also served in the North Atlantic over 1940/1941.

Your daughter has done a good job with your Web Site, and we will add a link to your site, you may like to add a link to AHOY on your site. The URL is listed at the end of this message.

Best regards and keep up the good work, we need to educate the coming generation about our fight for freedom, and how it is that they enjoy the results of all the sacrifices made by those who served in WW2.

Mackenzie Gregory.

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Copyright © 1984/2002  THE NAVAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA, INC and Mackenzie J. Gregory All rights reserved