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Mackenzie J Gregory
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Wilhelm Gustloff and the Cap Arcona (this is now included in Hannibal message)

Hi Mac

This is a great bit of news. Scott Baron, the author, is researching both the Wilhelm Gustloff and the Cap Arcona. I do know there is quite abit available about the former but not too much on the Cap Arcona.

May I suggest, to save time,  and for me having to forward information on from the UK, you very kindly send the photocopies direct to Scott in California. His address is as follows:-

Scott Baron
25 Geneva Way
Ca 95076

I will also give you his E-mail address as you may have the facilities between you to scan the information.  ( get the capital letters right!! I will notify Scott you may be in touch with him.


Can you send absolutely anything you have on any troop ship disasters and Operation Hannibal. I am sure Scott would show his appreciation and let you have any expenses for postage etc.

Can you let me know when you have sent them to Scott if you dont get in touch with him direct.


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